July 25, 2024


With The Drake Objective completed over the weekend just gone we'd like to thank all our players and crew for making it a smooth event.

We'll shortly release the feedback survey where you can tell us what you really thought of it.

March 23, 2024

Hi all, there's still a few player spaces remaining for High Frontier: The Drake Objective in July, ideally we could do with filling them in the next month or so as we can then start working on briefings and any downtime actions.  If you are debating about coming then remember you don't have to pay the full amount up front and we're always open to other plans.  All information is in the practical information document that you can dowbnload from here: 

TDO : Practical Information

March 07, 2024

GM meeting

The great wheel of LARP continues to turn, I'm still coming down from a weekend LARP in Spain but I've just finished a great chat with the GM team for High Frontier: The Drake Objective. There are still both player and crew spaces available for this event, all information should be in the event page.