
How “Physical” is the game?

This event takes place in woods outdoors in day and at night.  The venue has been assessed as suitable for the 'ambulatory disabled' as it has a few accessibility challenges somebody in a wheelchair would face.

  • There are two steps up into the main toilets.
  • The main toilet cubicles are moderately small.
  • There are two steps up into the 'crew hut'.
  • There is a small step inside the café down into the area where the tables are and from which you gain access to the toilet.
  • There are three steps down into the Marquee.
  • Some of the buildings in the in-character area have narrow staircases and an upper level.  These are not essential to play.

The site has ramps that can be used in the out of character areas (e.g. the toilets) but they are not in place as a matter of course.  Please contact us if you think you will need them.

Having said this, the in-character area of the site is relatively flat and shouldn’t present any undue physical challenges to those with reduced mobility if they can get about with sticks and we have several members that use them.  It is a comparatively small area for an outdoor LARP.

Those with no mobility issues should still bear in mind you will be outdoors on rough and uneven ground for extended periods with an amount of walking from one area to another and limited places to sit.

Much of the site is light woodland but all the major play areas have open paths between them.  Most characters will be able to stick to the paths and buildings most of the time.  During Combat situations, there may be some sneaking through the woodland, but this will not be all the time.  

You should dress appropriately to the time of year with a sturdy set of footwear.  There are some areas that could be slippery if it rains.  In all but the driest weather the 'bottom' of the in-character area of the site furthest from the entrance can be slightly boggy but we'll check this.  We will conduct a risk assessment of the site prior to the game and any hazards will be highlighted during the initial safety briefing.

For safety reasons, we require everybody who attends to carry both a torch and an effective whistle while on-site. This is so that you can find your way after dark and summon help if you need it.

All reasonable efforts will be made to enable players/crew of all abilities to attend and participate.  Please contact us if you want to ask about this or require something we may not have thought of.